Bulldozing Downtown

August 17, 2011

Recently on the winfield411.com blog, frequent contributor and current trustee Tim Allen posted an article about sending in the dozers to stimulate economic growth. Below is an article from June 11th, 1969 where the dozers (or in this case an excavator) actually were sent in. (click to enlarge for all the details)

Today the property is a parking lot.

(and in case you missed it, more bulldozing pics can be seen here.)

Post Office Blues

August 10, 2011

It took a long time for Winfield to get a post office (on Church Street) back in the day, mainly due to problems with the contractor. I haven’t posted any articles on the matter yet, but that changes today. The following story from July 7th, 1964 outlines some of the trials and tribulations. (click to enlarge)